Oral piercing
1. DO NOT USE: Mouthwash with alcohol or sodium such as Listerine or Scope.
2. DO NOT touch your piercing with dirty hands. Prior to cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly with an antimicrobial or antibacterial soap and hot water.
3. DO NOT let any one else touch your piercing. Unwashed hands will spread bacteria.
4. Use an alcohol and sodium free mouthwash such as Tech 2000, Medline, Biotine, or Crest Pro-health. When using Tech 2000 or Medline, remember to dilute the 4oz bottle with a gallon of distilled water. Using these mouthwashes at full strength can be damaging to your piercing.
5. Rinse with the mouthwash for 30 to 60 seconds, six times a day during the initial healing period. Try to adjust your eating schedule so that you eat just prior to rinsing. It is important to remember not to over rinse.
6. Normal Oral Hygiene should also be followed. Remember to brush your teeth, tongue and jewelry.
7. To minimize swelling eat cool soft foods. Stay away from anything that may irritate the piercing. Advil or Aleve can also be used to keep swelling down to a minimum when taken at the suggested dosages
8. Sucking on ice for the first 48 to 72 hours will also keep the pain and swelling down.
9. Drinking alcohol and smoking should be avoided for the first 3 to 5 days. Doing so can cause excessive swelling and scarring and slow the healing process.
10. Avoid oral contact, rough play and contact with other's bodily fluids until fully healed. This includes open mouth kissing and oral sex.
11. To aid in proper healing it is important to maintain good health and hygiene. A combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet can often be secret to fast healing. Also, sleep deprivation and stress can greatly depress your immune system, so take it easy.
12. Do not move or rotate your jewelry. Check your jewelry daily to make sure closures are secure and beads are screwed on tightly.
13. The oral cavity is extremely mobile and vascular area of the body. Swelling can be severe in some cases. Some bruising and bleeding is also normal. Try to keep movement of the piercing down to a bare minimum. Speaking slowly and carefully will limit swelling and soreness.
14. Abstain from submerging your piercing in fresh, salt, or chlorinated water, until fully healed. This includes: lakes, rivers, streams, hot tubs, bathtubs, pools, and oceans. Minimize exposure to direct sunlight or artificial sunlight such as tanning beds, for at least the first two to six weeks. Cover your piercing with a sterile bandage if you must be in the sun.
15. Use sterile bandages or other sterile dressings when necessary.
16. If an infection does occur, the jewelry should be left in to allow for drainage. Removal of the jewelry may result in an abscess.
17. Consult a health care practitioner at the first sign of infection or an allergic reaction, and report any diagnosed infection, allergic reaction, or adverse reaction resulting from the body piercing to the artist and the Texas Department of Health, Drugs, and Medical Devices Division, at 1-888-839-666. They can also be contacted at the following address: 1100 East 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756-3199.
18. If any problems occur or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 512-453-8287.